Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Educause in Orlando

Attending Educause is showing me, why technology in language learning is so much fun. There is always something new to learn about and this innovation helps us get ever more students excited about language learning.

Some highlights for me today were:
-demonstration of the new versio of E-Live with up to 6 video screens - I can't wait to try this out with my Curriculum and Materials Development class.
-I need to find out more about Flex 3, Buzzword and and ConnectNow.
-Techsmith has a new tool designed specifically for research with the ability to record the screen and also two Webcams - and researchers can add tags for user behavior (automatically based on mouse clicks and program accessed - or entered manually by the researcher) - I wish I had had this when I was analyzing my dissertation data. This is called Morae - it's really too expensive right now for an individual researcher to purchase, but things might change in the future.
-also, I found Jings their free screen capture program for the Mac - now I can easily create video tutorials for Garageband and i-movie :-)

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